Silver Price Chart

First Gold Group’s silver chart is designed to help you compare the price of silver over a specific period of time.  You can review silver for as far back as 1990 and use it to compare against multiple indexes, including:  The Dow, The S&P 500, FTSE 100, Gold Bugs index, Crude Oil, and the US Dollar.  Our charts are live and updated in real time. 

Tips on using charts and comparisons:
First, take a look at the peaks and valleys; compare it against the other indices.  What are the trends?  Are they correlated (move up and down together?) or non-correlated (move inversely or opposite?).  Silver tends to be a non-correlated asset against other investments; do you notice that trend?  While this isn’t a perfect predictor of where the price will go, it is one way to reinforce that anytime is a good time to become invested as long as you understand what you are hedging against or investing for.

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A short note on spot price

Remember that this chart captures the “spot silver” price, it does not give you the actual price of a silver bar or coin.  Just like the cost of grapes does not determine the price of wine, but certainly contribute to its flavor, the actual “price” of a silver coin or bar is determined by the “flavor” of coin or bar that you acquire.  “Flavors” might include the supply and demand of a particular silver bar or coin, the numismatic value (collectible value), or even the actual manufacturing cost of the product.  Put another way, you can’t buy a house for the price of lumber, nails, etc.  There are additional factors associated with the price of a house, not just its raw components.

The spot price of silver changes throughout the day, and sometimes during the night as silver is generally traded all around the world, at all hours of the day.  So the influences on the silver price might include relative factors of other country’s interest rates, currency value, inflation, stock market movement, silver mining, manufacturing and/or jewelry demand.

The most common influencers of silver include:  Silver mining output, economic trends (U.S. and World), industrial demand, gold prices, strength of the U.S. dollar, interest rates and current government monetary and political policies.

Silver is best known for its industrial use as it is an efficient conductor and is used in a wide variety of products, including:  solar panels, batteries, conductors, and other machine items.  If a new initiative to push a certain technology comes down from the government, or a state introduces a new requirement into the consumer market, if those products include silver, then the price of silver may very well increase.  On the consumer side, if the dollar is strong and the economy is humming along, then people may be more opt to acquire new TVs, jewelry, or other consumer products that contain silver.  Additionally, when things are going well, companies are more apt to invest in new technology and research and if that yields a new product or technique that includes silver, then a big move could happen very quickly.  Alternatively, when things aren’t going as well, then most people would benefit from having small coins and bars, and other forms of silver to use in the event of a barter and trade, or other unimaginable scenarios.

Finally, watch the gold/silver ratio.  In other words, how many ounces of silver equal an ounce of gold.  As the ratio increase, the relative value of silver may be more favorable than gold at the moment.  Historically the ratio of gold to silver has been 16 ounces of silver equal one ounce of gold.  What is it today?  How has it performed in the past?  Is now a better time than not to add silver to your IRA or at home in the safe, or are the trends pointing back towards gold? 

We hope these charts inspire you to get involved today by either purchasing silver products from our online store, or by calling one of our knowledgeable  Account Executives to discuss your interests in adding silver to your personal investment portfolio.

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